a bit late notice, but we, that is to say, bea, hugh and i are going to watch harry potter this sunday evening - if you'd like to come, give me a call/ text and we can all meet up just before and get excited together.
time to be confirmed... watch this space...
Eye of newt,and tongue of monkey...I am looking forward to seeing Potter even though i've forgotten what's going in Potterville
11:01 am
well, without sounding too much like a know-it-all, i could give anyone a pretty good overview of what's happened up to the point of the new film, and beyond (although not for laul, as he's not read them all yet and i wouldn't want to ruin it for him!). having read through the whole series on more than one occasion i've quite a good head for who's who, what's been going on etc..
so laul - where abouts in the books are you up to?
3:08 pm
ok - screenings are 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00.
whilst we do have a babysitter lined up, it will still kinda depend on how robin's doing by sunday - the poor little thing's a bit under the weather at the mo...
so maybe we aim for 8:00 but if things get a bit late and overly booked by the time we get there, we could go for the 8:30 showing instead.
sound ok?
3:19 pm
so who's interested in going then? so far we got me, bea, hugh, laul and beth (?)...
please comment up names so we know what kind of numbers we're looking at - if there's a lot we may need to think about booking... i can also call on the day to see how things are looking for various performances, but obviusly i'll need to know who wants to go.
10:09 am
"Go to a better movie next time. One with drama and violence and intrigue and rated 18."
unfortunately that would rule out poor laul, and maybe bea too.
you never know though - by the time the last harry potter film comes out it might meet some or all of those criteria!
9:40 am
waaiiiitt a minute - it meets 2 of them already - drama...? intrigue...?
...oh yes!
9:43 am
if you tell me your email address i can send you an invite so you can become a full, card carrying member of churchclusterthing and make your own posts.
2:16 pm
ooo yes - the film was very good indeed - would like to see it again.
caz- i've sent you an invite email.
9:52 am
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