Monday, June 27, 2005


come watch the wimbledon finals next weekend at columbia place - the women's on saturday & men's on sunday. dunno what time they start.

cheers to everyone for coming to my birthday weekend, was good to see you all. thanks especially to rob & the cooks for feeding us so well.

Friday, June 17, 2005

it's me birfday (again)

slight amendment to birfday plans: as well as brunch on sunday morning, on saturday (25th) i'll be watching comedy all day. bring your favourite shows, clips & films. we will laugh.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Rice for Dinner

Rachel Hall is going down to Devonshire Green tonight to eat rice for her dinner, and would love you to come to!

It's all part of the G8 Sheffield protests-

"MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaigners will deliver invitations to ministers coming to next week’s G8 meeting in Sheffield, asking them to give up their ‘gala dinner’ and instead join local people on Devonshire Green for a bowl of rice. On Thursday June 16, the ministers are due to dine at the Cutlers Hall, but supporters of the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaign are asking them to show their seriousness about tackling poverty by trying the kind of dinner billions of people around the world eat every night." (from the press release)

more details can be found here. Basically, 7.30pm, Devonshire Green, be there!

If you want to go, please text Rach to let her know, and she'll arrange a rendevouz point.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

it's me birthday

it's me b-day on 22 june, & i'll be doing brunch at mine the following sunday (26th). bring, like, food & stuff. i might watch comedy after. or something.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

friday night, cask and cutler

just a quick reminder, that this friday from about 8pm i'm going down to the cask and cutler and you're all more than welcome to come and join me. some of you i know are also coming... there'll also be a few of the interesting civil service types down there too, so come along and meet them - they're all (well, mostly) very friendly. certainly interesting.
sadly bea won't be down there.

the marshalls are having a party - fancy dress of course!

the theme is "the bill (or another tv show)".
on friday 17th june
at our house
from 7.30 onwards
bring a bottle

look forward to seeing you

Monday, June 06, 2005

prayin for cluster & stuff round at mine on wednesday night, 8 while 9

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Cathers will be celebrating the end of her finals this friday 3 june - will be at Vodka Revolution (West One, out door area?) from 7pm and then the Wig & Pen from 9pm. She may well also be "shakin' her booty" at the Leadmill later on.

Hopefully (Bea and I are already going to the theatre that evening!) will see people down there at some point in the evening - not managed to make it to the Wig & Pen yet, despite its popularity.