Wednesday, July 27, 2005

we hope you can come...

Friday, July 22, 2005

Tony Macaroni...

... is back in town!

Yep buddy, Tony Heald has finally seen sense and moved back to Sheffield!

To celebrate, Tony wondered if people fancied going out for a drink on the evening of Friday 29th July? Having not been in Sheffield for ages he's not sure where is the preferred watering hole these days and so is open to suggestions.

So how about this- 8pm @ Wig & Pen, 29/07/05 (unless anyone has an alternative suggestion? If so, please comment!) See you then!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Shamelessly using my power to post again....

Does anyone have a spare mobile phone I could borrow for the month of August? Preferably a former Virgin, BT or an unlocked mobile. I have a Virgin SIM card but no phone (stopped my job - so my work phone has gone too).

Thanks very much
Nick Allan

Monday, July 18, 2005

crazy times!

also, meet at bea & andy's tomorrow night for socially stuff, 7.30, bring a pizza & drink, maybe watch a film or something

kiss me quick!

due to popular demand, on tuesday 2 august i'll be doing some kind of stuff on song of songs, something low key & informal for the summer, start at about 8ish.

Monday, July 11, 2005

... The C word...

It seems at the moment we're divided into at least 2 camps- people who want to talk about community, and people who if they hear the word one last time they'll scream! So this is a post for people in the former camp.

Rob wants to have a chat with people about community, more specifically our community- what do we mean by the "c" word, what do we want it to look like, where are we heading, etc. So he and I will be in the Devonshire Cat tomorrow (Tuesday 12th) night, having a drink and a good ol' chinwag. If anyone wants to join us, that'd be great! (we'll be there from 8pm). But if you really don't want to talk about this stuff, feel free not to come! (we won't be offended!!!)

Monday, July 04, 2005

big up yourselves!

just wanted to post a huge huge thank you to everyone for all your support & prayers etc over the last couple of years. i occasionally read the message board on the ms society's website & there are so many people who suffer from depression/loneliness/unsuportive families/partners & it's showing me just how lucky i am to have such a supporting/loving/caring bunch of friends & church as you lot, what with things like the prayer & cooking rotas etc.

i'm so grateful to God for where He's placed me & the journey He's taking us all on, grateful that i've gone from being pretty much as low emotionally as it's possible for me to get to a place now where i'm wanting to see more of His beauty, to keep on fighting & to go after whatever it is He's wanting for my life, so thanks for letting God use you to help me get to this place. i'll pray you see more of Him too.