Friday, October 28, 2005

sunday night - I've almost survived!

although i'm currently sitting at the beginning of my weekend with robin, by sunday, it'll nearly all be over - i'm guessing i'll be feeling the need to celebrate in a rather horizontal fasion. soooo...
seeing as everyone'll be back from their weekends activities (shopping, DIYing, partying etc), i'm guessing we'll all be needing a relaxing night not doing much - so my house, sunday evening - we can get a film, takeaway pizza (an amazing local place that delivers, not too expensive as well!), a few beers...
lets say 7.30-8.00pm-ish till whenever the film ends and the pizza's all gone.
hopefully see some of you there (here).

Thursday, October 27, 2005

sausage fest!!

in accordance with national sausage week (24-30 October) there'll be a sausage fest this sunday at dans - think of the brunches that happen there without the eggs, bacon, pastries, mushrooms, bread (well maybe bread's allowed as a medium for sausage delivery..) just the wonderful sausage in all it's glorious forms.
so - everyone get your cumberlands, your lincolnshires, pork and leek, beef and tomato, irish, spanish, wild boar, vegetarian, whatever takes your fancy, and bring them along to dan's flat on sunday at 10.30am and well feast like wild men (and women) of olde.
the other thing to bear in mind is that bea's going away this weekend leaving me with the little robin to entertain - this means i'll be looking for things to do on friday, saturday and sunday, any evening stuff ideally at our house as i'd rather try and keep robins sleeping as normal possible.
so, perhaps film at mine on friday night, take away pizza, beers... will have nore concrete ideas soon, or comment up if you have any suggestions...

Monday, October 24, 2005

fasting stuff

was just wondering if anybody was thinking of taking part somehow in the upcoming 40 day fast (starting next monday). thought i'd like to do the same thing with some others, but not sure what. i thought about maybe skipping breakfast on a saturday & praying a bit (possibly meet up to do it, or in the comfort of our own homes), i think there's going to be something every wednesday night as well which might be good to go to (it's from 10pm-2am, but could just do an hour maybe - & fast lost!).

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

a film geek speaks

Was wondering if people fancied doing a Friday Night Movie next week? I was thinking about My Summer of Love ( which i found for a fiver t'other day.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

the code for the gates for my flat has changed to 1970. obviously, this shouldn't be given out so if anyone sees you using it & asks you what it is, don't tell them.

Monday, October 10, 2005


i'll be having brunch at mine on sunday, partly cos it's just a nice thing to do, but also to sort out a new cooking rota as a few people are wanting to change their days.
if you can't make it but want to cook, let me know when's good for you.

you're also more than welcome round to watch our final qualifying game against poland on wednesday, which'll probably be dull cos we've both qualified already.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

technology progresses...

I'm currently trying a way of getting blogs emailed to people - it might not work (as technology is also not all that reliable), but hopefully. anyway - if you'd be interested in having any posts to churchclusterthing emailed straight to you, let me know and I'll be putting more home office resourses to good use.
this has mostly come about as our very own andrew j hodgson never checks blogs, but does at least occasionally check emails. and so the up-shot of all this is we might see hodge a little more frequently... although, a word of caution - he still needs a good month or so warning to be able to make it to most things.
comment up if you're interested in regular blog updates.

Monday, October 03, 2005

booze & fags

there's a reet important world cup qualifier for England on saturday, and you're all warmly invited round to mine to shout at the telly as our over-paid, over-hyped stars play rubbish. kick-off is at 4pm. and it's against austria.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

anyone for babysitting?

hi folks. we would like to go to 'broken strings' on 26th october at the green room. it is fair to mention that peter pert will be performing (so you don't feel duped). anyway, i am asking in plenty of notice if anyone would be happy to take on the potential challenge of babysitting.

since getting back from holiday robin has been very unsettled sleep wise and we never know if he'll settle in the evening, or if he does, how long he'll stay asleep. so we realise this isn't a straightforward stick-a-dvd-on-and-relax request.

if you are up for it and think you're hard enough, please can you let us know soonish so we can pursue other options if needed. it really needs to be someone robin knows well which is why i'm starting of with you lovely people.