Friday, September 30, 2005

friday night movie

next friday (sorry, don't know what date that'll be), i'll be hosting a viewing of bottle rocket, the first film by wes anderson & owen wilson (of royal tenenbaums fame). start about 8.30 (it's only about an hour & a half long), but turn up earlier if you want & join some of us as we burn some posh hammers.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

the 31st "steelcity" beer festival

A word from the blog's editor/ administrator/ custodian to bring news of the above beer festival this weekend - we'll be going on the saturday - it's kid friendly so robin'll hopefully make it with his new shoes too... just gotta keep him off the skullsplitter...
for a full beer list see here - am looking forward to trying the Smiling Assassin and the Bear Ass Bitter if they're still there.
It costs £4.50 entry but that includes £1.50 returnable deposit for the beer glass. there’s also a charity pub quiz in the afternoon.
more details on our plans to follow - several of us have already got it in our diaries...
alternatively, give us a call if you're interested in coming along...

Friday, September 23, 2005

postcard from Whitby

Hello! We're having a lovely time in sunny Whitby!

But sadly we have to come home tomorrow, so we thought to make our return a bit more jolly we'd like to extend an open invitation to join us at the pub tomorrow night! We're not sure which pub yet or what time, but thought we'd just float the idea out there.

I'm in an internet cafe at the moment so can't write more, but will be in touch with y'all tomorrow to see if you fancy a pint. Keep it free! (if you haven't already had a better offer, that is!)

Wish you were here, Rob and Abigail x

pub quiz

We're doing the pub quiz on tuesday at the broomhill tavern. Why not join us? If you are clever or have specialist knowledge, we will love you that little bit extra. 8pm onwards (quiz starts at 9.15pm).

Thursday, September 22, 2005

ta very much

just a quick post to say thanks to bea & beth for getting the tickets for much ado about nothing last night. cheers!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

i've got a physio appontment on thursday afternoon & was wondering if there's anyone who would give me a lift, as kate's car is bust. it's at 3.30 at the hallamshire & is for about half an hour, cheers

Monday, September 19, 2005

film at short notice

Tuesday night sees the muted return of the Friday Night Movie, except, you know on a Tuesday. So tommorrow night at 7.30 we'll be watching Harold and Maude ( at Pete and Mary's.

much ado about nothing other than a really good play

this wednesday is the public dress rehearsal for MAAN at the crucible. £1 a ticket. I am going to try and call you people early evening to confirm who wants a ticket OR you could call me instead as i notice noone has really commented, other than the lovely Beth adn also Joy!!

By the way mmmmmmmmmmmmmary, I think the idea below sounds fantastic. i shall bring my vagina. (sorry - couldn't help myself. back at work and need to be outrageous!)

Monday, September 12, 2005

first day at work

today is my first day back at work for 15 months - eek!

God was very kind though and i saw laul on my way in which gave me hope. not sure why but it really helped somehow.

i would really appreciate prayer though cos 7.5 hours doing data entry is potentially highly boring. plus i am at a desk with another lady's baby staring up at me. kind of rubs it in a bit!

i feel great in my new skirt though!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

last night was so good - the only thing that disappointed me and andy was that we couldn't stay longer because we knew we'd be up again at 7am!

It is really exciting to discover names I recognise on freecycle!! for those of you who haven't discovered it yet, freecycle is a way of getting stuff you need and getting rid of stuff you don't need for free.

you need to register with the group that is the most local to you (ie. sheffield) and then you'll get emails sent to you. you can get quite a lot of emails so it's best to organise your inbox so they all go into their own little folder. if you want to get rid of stuff you just send one email and everyone else receives it. people come and collect from you (or you collect if you are gaining something).

ALSO!!!! Wednesday 21st September is the public dress rehearsal for Much Ado About Nothing at the Crucible. Tickets are only £1!! The showing is at 7.30pm and I will be going down to get tickets as soon as they are released at midday on the 21st. It would be cool if loads of us could go together. Let me know if you would like me to get you a ticket.

Friday, September 09, 2005

ok then...

I went to change the comments to be site users only and came across the thing Dan mentioned, so we'll give that a go for a while. if we still get them, or people get irritated by them, then we can go to the site members only option which will definetly work (but also mean casual browsers can't leave any messages, including people we know etc).
so then.
tell us what you think.
ps am gutted to be missing out on pot noodle... but then i am going out on a mammoth night out with work tonight, so that'll be good. and there's tomorrow's sophisticated soiree...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

To the sound of their jangling jewelry

Cripple Creek 2 has been postponed unfortunately. Got a call from the Lescar the other day and they've had to change our date due to "unforeseen circumstances" (yeah, whatever, you double booked you mean). The nearest date they've got is the 22nd November. Bit of a shame. Ho Hum.

But on a happier note...

...Anthony & The Johnsons won the Mercury Music Prize! Hoorah! Well deserved. I was very surprised. If you haven't heard them, you should rush out and get the album, because now it's been endorsed by industry bigwigs. No really though, invest. It's worth it.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

stop the bastards!

most of you i'm sure are aware of the recent spate of spam comments on our blogs, & i've come across a way to stop them - if you log on to blogger, go to 'settings', then 'comments', & there'll be an option to add word verification for comments. change this to 'yes' & if anybody wants to add a comment, they'll see one of those swirly jumbled letter things & will have to copy the letters to verify you're a real person & not a computer programme. (if you're not sure what i mean, go to my blog & try to add a comment)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Shameless begging

Hello lovely lovely people who are all so lovely.

Anyone fancy helping me move next weekend??? I'm shall be moving Sat 10th afternoon from the lovely Cathers's house to the lovely Gnomes's house and would welcome help if anyone's around (esp if you have a car). If you can/want to/can't say no/need some pharisee points, turn up at 50 Hamilton Road at 2pm ish - oh and send me a text or summat so I know what's what. Many thanks