And another thing...
... I've got a gig at the Green Room next wednesday (3rd May), 8pm. Hope you can make it.
... I've got a gig at the Green Room next wednesday (3rd May), 8pm. Hope you can make it.
People everywhere! Filthy country music so depraved it'll make you sick!
Hello. I am reading a very exciting book called Misquoting Jesus. It is written by Bart D. Ehrman. This is a book that Mary bought me for my birthday. It is all about how the new testament books and letters were changed over the years through mistakes and intentional alterations. It is fascinating. For example, did you know that the story of Jesus forgiving the woman caught in adultury (John 8:3-11) didn't appear until centuries later? It was added at a later date. I didn't realise that a lot of Paul's letters were written psuedonymously to give them more credence. Lots of interesting things and I've only just started it.