Friday, September 29, 2006

further to the previous post, we'll be having a comfy do at coffee moco on west st, from 8pm on saturday 7th october. alas there'll be no alcohol, so we'll have to make do with caffeine & cake (plus we get 20% off drinks if there's more than 20 of us).

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

hello. dan and kate are your friends. please come to our engagement party on 7th october. we don't know where yet. or what time. except in the evening some time. but we will tell you when we know. goodbye.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

beer festival update...

more of an ammendment really.
we are heading to the beer festival on the friday night with the crazy man hodgson.
be warned - he is staying at ours over night, so theres no limit to how much he might drink!
anyway, come and be amazed, friday night.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

32nd steel city beer festival....

is the end of this month!
spread the word!!!
its on from the evening of the 28th till 30th september as the usual st phillips social club (near shalesmoor/ attercliffe tram stop down from the university roundabout).
i'll prob try head down on the saturday night - it tends to be a bit quieter - some of the beers will already have been finished but there's never a shortage of ones to try.
having said that, the friday might be viable as an option - post up thoughts on this and book it in on your calenders.