boys night out/ kaiserfest preliminaries
so then, the proposal is a regular (once a month maybe) boys only trip to a pub of collective choice as a way of sampling the many real ale and european beer delights that sheffield has to offer beer drinkers who like to try a few alternatives.
seeing as i'm starting it, we can start at the red deer just off mappin street.... date, i'm not so sure on - saturday would seem logical, but for the issue of pubs being crowded and a bit nasty. an alternative would be maybe a monday or even a sunday, but this runs into school night drinking problems.
future nominations of pub to include hillsboro hotel (obviously), cask and cutler, dev cat (bit boring tho), fat cat, harlequin (near where i work and amazing selection!), new barrack tavern, gardners rest, the annual beer festivals, the bath hotel (so pete can come without feeling guilty), the washington even, if people are feeling brave.... could even branch out further afield in the summer and head over to chesterfield to one of hodgsons little favourite brewery pubs.... and of course munich, germany...
which leads nicely on to kaiserfest, what my 30th birthday bash/ excuse for a few of us to go to germany and experience the german beer halls, the 1 liter steins, the multitude of wheat beers so many of us are fond of, was dubbed way back in the broomhill tavern some time ago.
indeed i turn 30 this year, and have been wanting to go to germany for ages and several others expressed an interest.
so this post has two purposes:
1 - are people wanting to do a regular beer tasting outing in and around sheffield? is so, what days would people prefer? saturday, sunday or monday?
2 - who's interested in coming to germany sometime later this year, anytime really that people are free - outside school term would be cheaper, maybe even around oktoberfest time (altho that might be a bit expensive, and hodgson tells me its a bit touristy)?
comment up.