Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"Originality, quality and excellence..."

Did anyone watch that new Channel 5 drama, Tripping Over, last night? It was really good. Quite witty, moving, believable characters, quality writing, everything you're after. The first episode is repeated again tonight at 10pm, or I've got it on DVD. Watch my friends!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Yo. We're going to the Bath Hotel this Saturday if anyone fancies joining us.

Monday, October 23, 2006


I read this in the Idler and felt the need to share it with you all:

Just turn up to work. Hang about for an hour (but this will be the best hour you've ever had at work, spend it relishing the moment) and then go and tell your supervisor/boss that you've just shit yourself.
Wait for a minute for it to sink in and say, "you understand that I'm telling you this in the strictest confidence."
Now he knows it's serious, say, "obviously, I'll have to go home now," and walk out the door (affect a limp at your discretion).
If your supervisor/boss tells anyone, you're in for a treat - make a formal complaint and await your apology/cheque.


just to let you know, in case you were remotely interested, i've started up a new blog:
don't feel obliged to read it. it's not particularly interesting.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

another party

3 parties in a row. aren't we all the most happening, sociable bunch.

we've re-arranged the engagement party for saturday 4th november. come & celebrate with us, etc etc.


Monday, October 16, 2006

Rock n Roll

Howdy folks

For those who don't know already, we're hosting a party this Saturday, to which you are all welcome!

Come dressed in your finest 1950s regalia!

Rather guiltily, it isn't in aid of anything noble or concientious, but who needs an excuse for a party, eh?

Saturday 21st, 8pm, bring booze, many many friends, and any music from the '50s you want playing.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

PARTY reminder

Just to remind you all:

Its my 'Protect the Human' party on saturday, please come, would be lovely to see you all!

Call me if you need directions, 8pm onwards. bring a bottle, bring a friend, bring some fun.


an incentive to take a look....

Thursday, October 05, 2006

if anyone was thinking of coming to moco on saturday night, don't! lots of people are away so we've decided to postpone the do. will let you know if we re-arrange.

Monday, October 02, 2006

PARTY! Saturday 14th October

Dear All,

Please come and warm my new-ish house and celebrate Amnesty International's 'Protect the Human' week at the same time! Fun AND conscience simultaneously......




Bring WARMTH, A BOTTLE, MAYBE a FRIEND, a little BIT of fun, an appetite FOR cakes

THIS IS AN ADVANCE WARNING, I'll be reminding you again next week
